Rolling Hills Casino and Resort Good Sam Verified Campground

2655 Everett Freeman Way, Corning, CA 96021

Good Sam Verified Campground
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(0 reviews) out of 5 stars from 0 reviews
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2655 Everett Freeman Way
Corning, CA, 96021

Open all year


Cards Accepted

Debit accepted at this location Visa accepted at this location Mastercard accepted at this location Amex accepted at this location


Type: Tourist Attraction



Hours: 24 hrs

Guest services

2655 Everett Freeman Way, Corning, CA 96021
Coordinates: 39.874060, -122.202160

From jct Hwy 32 & I-5: Go 10 mi N on I-5,then 100 yds W on Liberal Ave, then 1/4 mi S on Everett Freeman Way

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