Treasure Beach RV Park Good Sam Verified Campground
37291 Lighthouse Rd, Selbyville, DE 19975

37291 Lighthouse Rd
Selbyville, DE, 19975
38.462760, -75.079620
Open April 18 - October 14
Cards Accepted
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People were nice but playground is all torn up camp ground is in a disarray. ... they are putting cabbins in and improving the campground but who does this over a holiday weekend most sites are grass sites some gravel a a few concrete. Kids that are younger then 16 operating personal golf carts no one is in forcing rules ... teens have nothing to do but hang out till 1 am causing trouble ...they need to decide whether they are a camp ground or a trailer park
People were nice but playground is all torn up camp ground is in a disarray. ... they are putting cabbins in and improving the campground but who does this over a holiday weekend most sites are grass sites some gravel a a few concrete. Kids that are younger then 16 operating personal golf carts no one is in forcing rules ... teens have nothing to do but hang out till 1 am causing trouble ...they need to decide whether they are a camp ground or a trailer park
37291 Lighthouse Rd, Selbyville, DE 19975
Coordinates: 38.462760, -75.079620
E Bnd: From Jct US 113 & SR 17, E 0.8 mi on SR 17 (Church St)to SR 54 (Main St.), S 0.3 mi on SR 54 ( becomes Lighthouse Rd.), E 7.8 mi on Lighthouse Rd (L) W Bnd: Jct of SR-1 & SR-54, W 1.8 mi on SR-54 (R)